Friday, October 12, 2012

Week Four: PBS and Digital Learners

As I see it....

Literally, love the Thinking Maps, so I can visualize all this!!! 

I want to be a part of all this...those schools and students they portrayed, are where I want to be but I am NOT confident that I am qualified to be their facilitator. I am comfortable learning from them but I feel, at least at our school, and with the being highly qualified push, we are expected to be the expert 'in front' of the room still.....
We are at such a crossroad in education....

I continue to think about some of the thoughts expressed...
"Standardized Testing is holding kids back"
"21st Century Learning Literacies...Death of Education...Dawn of Learning"
The most profound..."What is School?"
...and the conversations are endless...below, from my Facebook:
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Christine  Not likely mike considering Einstein regarded the idea of a personal god as a "childlike" idea
  • Lori McGinley .....when the people of our communities, states and nation, care enough about public education to bring it up to date, to put all the brain and learning research into practice, demand change, then it will change...meanwhile the people who care deeply about educating youth will continue to do so, even under the constraints that are our current system.....

It seems evers 

Education is changing, or about to, or revealing the need, and everyone has a view about it often though, it is that
that what works ten, twenty, thirty years ago, is still relevant. 
I understand it....I is easier, these changes leave wondering what the hell is school?
here's a recent post from my facebook page, even the clothing is an issue:

Question for friends/family who work in education, what do you think is appropriate attire for teachers and school staff? Casual? The same as students?
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  • Lori McGinley these days, the increased scrutiny demands a higher standard....I think it's ridiculous...our super wants us to look like bank tellers...I want to be able to get on the floor and work with groups of students, today I took a group out in the woods on a gps challenge, then there are the kitchens....we are professionals, if someone is not adhering, that's an exception, admin should deal with that, not make a new 'rule' for everyone...but def not the same as students, that's a whole different issue!!
  • Cindy  I think they should have a higher standard. The principal should be in a suit.
  • Julie  I recall asking my Dad why he still wore a tie to school every day when all the other teachers had stopped years ago. I will never forget what he said, "I want the students to know who the teacher is." Now I'm not saying that there aren't times when common sense dictates casual wear for some activities, but in general teachers and the Principal should dress in a manner that commands some respect.
  • Lori McGinley Clothing does not command respect....and even if it did for one generation, it may not apply to the current one...and today, learning does not happen in the same way, a teacher led classroom, it's more real world, facilitated, short, the students are different, the objectives are different because they are entering a different work force that demands different skills, and there are different tools, they can access content anywhere, anytime, it is more skills based...the teacher as facilitator needs to adapt, demonstrate, 'get dirty' (symbolically) with the content....for me, the clothing does not make the teacher, professional yes, disconnected to the audience, skills, and content, no. It's more of a a 'do' environment now, less of a 'tell' environment. My 4 cents ;)
  • Julie  What bothers me is seeing our local Principal dressed in jeans and crocs. It's just not the image I expect or think is appropriate for his role.
  • Lori McGinley I know it's that level, principal, the community is a large part of his audience and community expectations should play a role. Admin, superintendent, and school board all balance between school and community. As teachers, our audience is our students, and their learning, is our audience. We need to be able to model professionalism, and connect with the real world roles they will enter....imagine working at Apple...lots of crocs and jeans there.....lots of money, expertise, and forward thinking too. New order.

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