Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Webinar: Sex Etc

DID MY W E B I N A R !!!!!....and I'm glad I did ;)

I have tried webinars before, with mixed results.It is important to know the format, depth of discussion, and level of interactivity, and this information is not always given, or can be misleading. I have learned to pay close attention to the intended audience, if it includes students, then it is going to be very basic!

Teaching with Sex, Etc Magazine

Teaching With Sex, Etc. Magazine

Dear Workshop Registrant,

This serves as your confirmation for the workshop (PLEASE READ THIS E-MAIL IN ITS ENTIRETY):

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012
Time: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. (EST)

**Please note that the workshop begins promptly at 3pm Eastern Time.

The link to log into the Webinar is:

Please log in to the webinar using your first and last name.

Technical Information:
  • If this is your first time using the Elluminate program it is highly recommended that you visit their online support and computer testing center before the webinar to insure that you have all the recommended software installed.  You can visit the site at http://www.elluminate.com/Support/?id=62/.  
  • It is also recommended that you log into the program at least fifteen minutes early.
  • If you work at a school or organization that uses internet filters, you should contact your IT personnel or system administrator to assist you in getting access to the program.  You can connect your IT personnel with me by having them call 732-445-7927 x227.  Please do this ahead of time if you work in an organization with internet filters.
Contact Todd or Amber at 732-445-7929.

This one was a good one. It started shaky, technical difficulties, but they were very interactive, even during that. I had my kindle near by in case it was a snore-fest.

There were ten of us from mostly the mid- to north- east coast. Several teachers but also people who worked with youth in hospital, homeless, and other public facilities. This webinar was well-organized, with a concise agenda, and clear objectives. Once they got past the audio difficulties, a repeating request for an access code, they asked a few questions that allowed us to get to know a bit about each other. The Elluminate format had several buttons for participation, happy face, confused face, thumbs up, applause, as well as the input window that could be directed to the presenter, certain participants, or all. The presenters were very practiced and able to add in all of our questions and insights.

I subscribe to the 'Sex Etc.' magazine. It is a magazine (and website) written by teens for teens, and overseen by Rutgers University staff, especially Nora Gelperin. I have seen her at a couple conferences and she is great.

This webinar highlighted the accompanying lesson plans. I have used some of them but not recently. The best part was that the presenter had all the participants participate in the lesson, which brought out a lot of discussion, and gave me ideas of how to tweak it for my teaching, and my students. I usually use these issues on Fridays during the Sexuality Unit. I get the hard copy of the magazines because, due to many of the topics sensitivity, I want to be sure kids had personal access to read them. A lot of parents have blocks, in fact at school I have to get IT to unlock the site. I also have to warn the students to be careful of the domain, go to the .org site, the .com one is VERY different! Now I want o use the on-line resources for the major article as a group project. I think I will continue to get the hard copies but give kids the option...

The standards this experience relates to:

Establish a core personal learning network of technology leaders to follow. Utilize this 

new network of educators as personal professional development.

As I mentioned, I respect Nora Gelperin. I have seen her before but it is hard to go to these 

workshops since she is based in NJ. This webinar assists by allowing me to participate within the 

budget and time constraints necessary.

Use knowledge of digital tools and technology applications to facilitate experiences 

that advance learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual 


I now know how to access these lessons on-line, have experience on how to run them, and ideas 

on how to make them more meaningful for my classroom.

Establish a core personal learning network of technology leaders to follow. Utilize this 

new network of educators as personal professional development.

I am now, finding their blog, and adding to my diigo!!!

Course Objectives this webinar assisted:

  • Provide instruction and modeling regarding digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
  • Promote and demonstrate effective use of digital tools and resources. Familiarize students with Web2.0 tools that may be used professionally or within the classroom environment to establish deeper learning experiences through proper curricular standard driven development.
  • Become familiar with current technology issues, trends and technology use within the K- 12 environment. Discuss how technology use impacts student learning outcomes.
  • Establish a core personal learning network of technology leaders to follow. Utilize this new network of educators as personal professional development.
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