We Must.
....great opportunities to collaborate, teachers as facilitators, students as teachers, teachers as learners, colleagues as teachers, colleagues as students, administrators as facilitators, learning together, occasionally failing together, media specialists as angels, tech integration specialists in demand, IT coordinators as overburdened mechanics. All of these are possible 'who's who' in the world of technology integration in public education.
....taking small steps, trying one tool at a time, collaborate and investigate what colleagues are doing...join in.
.......NOW, or sooner. Just one step, at the least - educating ourselves, reading, working, use tutorials.
...pick a class to start in, reflect, tweak, reapply, look for other opportunities. Just don't get stuck on one tool, and use it to gets boring for kids, and limits learning and possibilities. If we work in a team teaching approach and expose our students to a variety of tools and give them some latitude of which to apply to what, AND WHY...then we are facilitating some higher order thinking skills.

....with an open mind, acceptance of some failures, trial and error...reflection.
The biggest shift for me has been from thinking
I had to be the expert,
to learning alongside my students,
trading knowledge with them,
expanding both our bases.